I got a problem doing a project having a bunch of circles pockets, being 5/8" and 1/2".
Everything looks fine in Carbide Create. I did as usual the export in gcode file, and to be open in Carbide Motion.
The problem is that every circle pockets were cut at 5/8" !
Any insight would be appreciated.
Thank you,
-Windows 11
-Carbide Create Pro build 764
-Carbide Motion 622
-Shapeoko Pro XXL
It looks like the center circles are supposed to be cut with one size of bit, and the other circles are cut with a different bit - the stepover is different.
Is this what you intended? Do you have a BitSetter?
Your results are consistent with the outside circles being programmed for a 1/8" bit, but being cut with a 1/4" bit.
In the future, by far the most useful thing you can do if you are using Carbide Create is provide the C2D file.
All the cut are using the same #201 End Mill 1/4".
Only the stepover was different.
I do expect to perform soon a test having the same stepover, but still I can’t see a problem here.
Yes our machine has the BitSetter.
Looks like the circles along the sides were programmed to cut with a 1/8" end mill instead of a 1/4" end mill. Thus, if a 1/4" end mill was the only tool used during the cutting, the circles would get cut out larger than intended.
Joel and Michael you are right.
I did use 2 computers to perform the draw and I found that on one of them, the #201 End Mill 1/4" that was added to a custom tool library is having a wrong size, 3.175mm instead and which is 1/8", and which it is not possible to verify on the other one.
I should had verify the selected bits in the gcode earlier but I was too convinced that was not the problem.
Thank you very much!