Wrong power cable sent

I just finished building the new PRO 5 XXL and found that I must not have the right power cable. The power cable I got was a standard computer power cable. The CNC seems to need a round jack on the power cable. I’ve gone through everything they sent me and can’t find anything I’ve missed. power jack on the controller is round and does not seem like anything I can buy locally.

Could I be confused on something?


Was there a power brick in the box which you pulled the cable out of?

Should look like:

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Oh man…this is not a good day for me to post. Second time that I through false alarm. My grandson picked up the power brick and said "is this what you’re looking for. Sorry to keep cluttering this board with brain fades.

This means that this build has gone perfectly and I just seem to be spacing out too much. But, then it shoudn’t be surprissing considering that all my post have my first name misspelled. But, hey, I’ve had that name for 76 years. Maybe I’ll learn to spell it someday.

Thanks and sorry for the false alarm.

PS, is there a way to edit my profile to fix my miss-spelled name?

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We have all been there. Sounds like you have a helper that has your back. Right now mine are young enough to grab it a go play in the dirt.

Remember there are no stupid questions.

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You can edit your profile to change your real name. Not sure if you can change your user name. You just click your avatar/initial at the top right corner. Your likes show up and along the right side are a bunch of icons. One of those that looks like a person (bottom) will let you edit your profile.

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Thanks Guy. I think it IS my user name that I screwed up on. Oh well, I can deal with that another time. Thanks for your reply.

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Glad to see im not the only one that will be having the brain…fades as you put it :rofl:

I think that an admin can edit your name — but you’ll need to approve the edit or some such thing possibly. We’ll check.

Looks like I can, and did, hopefully correctly — if that’s not what you want, let us know and we’ll adjust.

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