X and Y axis problem (always at 0)

I’ve had my Pro XXL since 2023. Yesterday I went to start a project and encountered a problem. After initializing the machine, I set my zero as I always do. When I went to set 0 (build 640) it immediately went back to the start corner. Using the “jog” I can move the head back, but sometimes the X+ and Y+ won’t move. I then discovered the X and Y position always reads 0, regardless of where I move the head to.
I uninstalled and re-installed Carbide Motion thinking that could be the problem. But no change.
FYI, I also use Lightburn. Everything with that program works as it should, so I don’t think it’s a hardware issue.

The last time you used Lightburn, did you remember to send a command to restore the machine to negative coordinate space before launching Carbide Motion? For a SO3XL, the command to send after launching Lightburn is: G10 L2 P1 X-825 Y-425 (Note: X and Y values will be different for your machine).

Before closing Lightburn and going back to CNC (Carbide Motion), the command is: G10 L2 P1 X0 Y0

If you don’t, you’ll get wonky results like you experienced.

The topic is addressed here: Negative Coordinate Machine Setup - Common Problems - LightBurn Software Forum

Here’s the complete set of commands for an SO3XL:

G10 L2 P1 X-825 Y-425

$30=1 (NOTE: $30=24000 if using a VFD Spindle)
G10 L2 P1 X0 Y0

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Thank you for the information, this makes sense. I’ll check this when I get home from work on Friday.

Worst case after using Lightburn would to run the configuration again and that would set your back up as a CNC and remove any laser settings. However running your Lightburn macros should return your Shapeoko to CNC mode.

Thank you everyone for the information. I ran Lightburn again, added the command lines, then re-installed my machine in Carbide Motion. Everything works as it should again!

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