X-axis slipping?

I posted this on the FB page, but realized I should post it here too. Any help or suggestions is appreciated.

I am out of ideas at this point. I have swapped belts after trying to re-calibrate with no success. The cut out in the left is just now and the oval on the right is a cut out from last week.

I am not sure what has happened since last week, but I have checked the wheels, eccentric nuts, now swapped belts. Checked calibration and it’s as close as it has always been.

Besides the notches on the top left and bottom right the center holes are off center on some and 2 others (out of the photo) they are centered.

Anyone have any ideas? Could a stepper motor be going bad? It’s about a year old with not that heavy of use.

I also notice if I rapid position on the x axis away and then back to my home the y motors will click/stutter. Not sure if that’s normal but I’ve been noticing it now that I’m trying to figure this out.

I did an air cut and it was working fine until I applied light pressure (where I am putting my hand on the spindle mount) you can see the machine jut back in the same spots as the cutting issues. I’m not really sure what the cause could be.

Here is a link to the videos on the FB post. https://www.facebook.com/10015877/videos/10113399619352301/

Usually horrible noises from the motors are associated with wiring issues — check all the wiring and connectors — actually disconnect the connectors and verify that they’re on good shape.

If you don’t find anything obvious to address and you’ve check the machine mechanically (pulley set screws, eccentric nut adjustment of V wheels, belt tension and condition) let us know at support@carbide3d.com and we’ll do our best to look into this with you.

Thanks for the reply. I went and checked all the connections to the motors and the controller. All seemed fine with nothing lose or blackend (from possible short).

I sent an email to support.

thanks again! Happy holidays.

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That’d be my first thought.

Can you post the video here, or on YouTube, for those of us that don’t use Facebook?

I keep seeing reference to info at facebook and such.
I dont facebook.

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