X axis starts cutting too far to right during cut

Yesterday and twice today during the same 3D carve my x axis somehow started cutting too far to right like it lost position. I verified zero on each occasion and it was fine. I verified gcode simulation and it was fine. I checked belt and same tension as always and I checked drive pulley, it wasn’t obviously loose or at least I couldn’t tighten, every time I tried with a 1.5mm Allen wrench it didn’t fill like correct size. Tried 2mm and it was to big and 1mm and 1/16 were too small.
So not sure what is happening, each time it screw up was going from left to right.

Any ideas

It should be a 1.5mm hex key.

Try marking the pulley and shaft and see if it’s shifting?

I would suggest also checking feeds and speeds — depending on the toolpaths it could result in the machine getting pulled in one direction — possible to try rotating the design 90 degrees?

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maybe post a pic, it might provide some clues as to what is going on?

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Well that’s weird…theoretically, the endmill slipping in the collet may have caused a similar effect, but in this case it is very unlikely, and I would expect a “3D” profile at the bottom of that extra slot, not something perfectly flat like that. Did you have a chance to see how the bit was moving at the time this happened ? Is there anything suspicious on the left side of that cut ?

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