Y axis goes forward when initalized

When i set up the shapeoko 3 xl and initialize it works properly but when i load my file and ask to initialize again the y axis moves foward
I’ve look for solution and keeps telling me to go to settings and select homing, i don’t find that, i also saw where an option to reverse the y direction, but have no idea where that option is located
Any help would be appreciated

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But the last picture is after i load my file and if i click on run nothing happens
Never get to screen to set my starting point

If it initializes properly, you should not touch the settings. That means things are setup correctly.

Why are you initializing after you load a file?

And can take a video and link to it here so we can see the behavior and any errors that might indicate what’s happening?

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I don’t have a cloud storage device, if you don’t mind sending your email address I can send the video

I scrubbed your email from your post. If you want to upload a video to a site like Youtube and share a link, that would probably be the easiest way.

Question though: Connecting to the machine is not the same as Initializing the machine. Are you homing/initializing the machine BEFORE loading a program, and then trying to initialize it again? It looks like you simply connected to the machine, then loaded a program. Have you been able to move the machine normally at all?

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I have been using machine set up and connecting to the machine. I can initialize the machine properly at this point. At this point I should be able to hit run and then move the router to starting point. Clicking on run nothing happens.

If I go to settings and check the X,Y,Z movement all works fine. With connection to Pc cut off I can manually move the machine in any direction.

When I get the weird movement is when I was initializing again after loading a file, which I should not do.

Just to clarify, because we absolutely need to be sure of certain facts to avoid chasing our own proverbial tails, when you say: “I can initialize the machine properly at this point,”

do you mean: “I clicked the “INITIALIZE MACHINE” button and the machine moved to the back right corner?” Because that is what initializing should do. Hitting “Connect to Cutter” is only half the process of making the machine ready to cut.

Also, to clarify some things about the interface that I think you’re potentially getting tripped up on, if you are clicking “Run” on the green menu bar, that is not the button to begin running a toolpath. That simply is a link to bring you to the screen that you’re already at. Once the machine is initialized, that yellow button you took a picture of will be replaced with a button that says “Start”. If you see the yellow “Initialize Machine” button, you are NOT ready to start machining.

After connecting to the cutter I can initialize the machine, moves to far right corner, but I never get the start window, It ask for me to load file and does so, window will show name of file, again no start setting

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