Y axis over extending when moving forward

Shapeoko 3 xxl
After replacing my limit switch the machine now initializes correctly. However when it comes to the bitsetter portion of the setup I only have the “move to default position” once I click it the machine moves forward and just keeps going way past the front of the machine.

Are you sure that you selected the right size for your machine? Sounds like what would happen if you selected XXL for an XL machine.

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Did you configure for the correct machine type and size?

This is not likely your problem but if you run 2 or more machines on the same computer you have to run the configuration when you disconnect from the last one and connect to the new one. CM remembers the last configuration and does not play well with multiple machines running on the same instance of CM.

Perhaps as others suggested go through the configuration again and make sure you pick the correct machine and Z. The HDZ has more steps per MM than a Z-Plus.

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This was it thank you

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