Y movement vibration

Was working on a couple of projects this morning and everything was working fine…spent over 2 hours, no issue. Then i started a new project, went through initialization fine and started the job. Then the Y axis all of a sudden started to vibrate. Stopped the project. Went to Jog, X is fine, Y vibrates. Checked belts…all OK, checked wiring and all seemed fine. Still vibrates on Y axis. Thoughts? Big show and tell coming up for my woodworking group, so need everything working!!

Power down, slowly/gently move the machine to the middle of motion for each axis and remove both Y-axis belts, put a bit of tape on the pulleys so as to more easily see their rotation.

Also check the pulley set screws.

Power up and connect to the machine and try initializing — the machine should initialize Z-axis as normal, then try moving X- and Y-axes and the X-axis should also initialize, while the Y-axis motors will turn until they time out — do the pulleys rotate evenly and in synch?

If they don’t, contact support, if they do, check the lubrication of the linear rails/blocks:


I just got my Shapeoko 5 Pro and it was doing this (vibrating/groaning on Y axis motion) after I had just set it up. After investigating, it ended up being a loose/disconnected ground wire to the left Y-Axis motor. Fixed the connector and it was all smooth.

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A little basic maintenance and lubrication and problem fixed. tx.

I did find that the wiring to the left Y motor has a loose connection. I can wiggle it and the vibration stops. I have tried to remove any kinks around the connection, but it is still not very secure. Any suggestions?

Zip-tie the 2 sides of the connector together. Secure the whole thing with zip ties to part of the frame. Zip tie the conductors so they don’t flex around the connectors.

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