Z axis control problem Shapeoko 5 Pro

This is a step by step of what is happening:

  1. I set up material on the table.
  2. I load the tool path file.
  3. I connect to the cutter and initialize the CNC.
  4. I jog to my starting point. X, Y then jog to Z using the paper trick to set the Z axis.
  5. I click zero and ZERO all.
  6. CNC does the tool measuring with the bit setter.
  7. If I select to run the job, machine goes through its process (load bit, measure, etc.) NOTE: The first bit is already loaded in the spindle from when I set zero X, Y and Z.
  8. I click run and the spindle starts up and goes to X, Y but goes about an Inch deeper than the z axis I set up in the zero process and starts cutting. ruining the job.
  9. To avoid this, I go to the screen that allows a fast move to x,y. Move the Y off the material and go to Z and it moves below the top of the material about an inch. Showing me the actual Z that the machine has stored, NOT what I had set as Z when I set the X,Y,Z before.
  10. I then move the tool over the material again to the top of material and do a zero Z again and check X, Y and Z again and it moves to the correct axis (X, Y and Z) Then I run the job and it runs correctly.

Alot of extra steps when I thought setting ZERO ALL at one time should work. (and does sometime) but I am afraid now to run a job without doing the extra steps to check.
Any help to correct this would be appreciated… probably something I am doing wrong but I can’t figure out what it is. …Thanks Alex

Also as info, I am running the same tool path on multiple jobs so I don’t think it is a tool path issue. I run one and it works fine then run the next one and it might mess up.

Looked up your case on support, and it seems that this was resolved with a link to a troubleshooting video — if you’re still having trouble, let us know at support and we will do our best to assist.

I did not get a video with any help on this. I am a little disappointed with Carbides support. Please send a link to the video… Thanks Alex

The link which was sent was:

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