Z axis cutting deeper than programmed!

I own a XXL PRO. My laptop crashed and it will be 3 weeks or more
before it is ready. That being said I purchased a new laptop and loaded the latest
versions of Create and Motion. The Z axis is cutting deeper than programmed. I have
tripled checked my program and checked Carbide Motion several times. My first cut
is .130 deep but it cuts about double that depth. The depth is set for .760 deep but by the time
it reaches .500 it has cut thru the project and into the spoil board. I think I loaded the correct
machine parameters. I am at a loss for solutions. Any ideas?

Did you send the correct machine configuration?

Sounds like you’ve configured for an HDZ but have a Z-Plus.

That could be the problem. I will give it a shot tomorrow. I have
operated cnc machines for years and I hate getting my butt cut!
Thanks for the prompt response.

I have exactly the same problem. I double checked that I have set and sent the correct machine information (Shapeoko Pro XXL with Z-Plus) but it always cuts 0.25 inches too deep no matter what I do. I clear offset, set zero all has no effect. Even if I put the zero position higher at 0.25 inches it still cuts too deep. I really don’t know what else to try.

Please send a .c2d file which has this problem and step-by-step notes on how you are securing your stock and setting zero relative to the stock to support@carbide3d.com

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