Z axis error please help

Don’t understand. I am new. Just trying

Is this a new machine? If so, your best bet is to contact Support.


Yes new. Just finished getting it together. Everything looks right. When I started the page it moved down some then acted odd. Then nothing

Make sure all the allen bolts are tight I had that problem It was the ones behind the Z axis but i would check them all.


Most likely problem is either bad wiring or a bad sensor. Either way, Support will get you sorted out.

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You may need to adjust your Z sensor down. Connect to your machine but do not initialize. Go into Settings and I think it is the Debug screen. Place a metal object on all 3 sensors and see if they register as triggered. If they dont trigger it could be wiring or a bad sensor but likely just needs to be adjusted.

When the Z rises it trips the Z proximity switch. If it never trips the switch you will fail initialization. The Z rises first and finds the proximity switch. Then if found the gantry moves to the right rear corner to find the X and Y proximity switches.

Before you start tearing your wiring apart test the proximity switches to see if they trip with a metal object or if they do not trip or if they are on all the time (red light on switch). KISS Keep it simple.