I have a shapeoko XXL and the x limit switch quit working so I replaced the limit switch and if I put something metal infront of the sensor it lights up and I can see in the debug that z home switch is active as well as on the control board if I try and initialize the machine if the z is home it try’s to continue up until it faults and if I move the zaxis down off of the home switch when I initialize it goes down until it faults what am I missing any help is much appreciated
Initialization on all Shapeoko machines starts with the Z. After the Z homes then the X and Y move to the home position. If one of the X or Y axis is already at home then the opposite one homes. Until all 3 home nothing else happens. If any one of them fail you get homing errors.
So if your Z is not homing try moving your Z up all the way. Power on your Shapeoko and connect but do not initialize. Go to the debug screen and see if the Z is triggered. If it is not triggered adjust the proximity switch until it is triggered. You can do the same for the X and Y if you have any question about whether they are working. A proximity switch can trigger with a metal object but it has to be close enough to the trigger point to actually trigger in the CM software.
Yes I have done that with the z is all the way up the z home is active in debug but if I go to initalize
It try’s to continue in the up direction on the Z so if what you said is how I interpret if the z is home it will move to the X,y to home but it doesn’t it try’s to travel the Z axis up I even lowered the proximity switch since the holes are slotted and it pushe it back up
I figured it out I had the machine set for a belt on the Z but mine is the upgraded
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