Z axis not homing

Hi guys, I’m new in the group but have been running a Shapeoko 3XXL Z plus. Last week the Z-axis was not homing. Instead it was continuing to try to go up and vibrating very bad. After some research I ordered and have since replaced all the limit switches. All cable runs are unobstructed and not pinched. I then rebooted the machine and tried again. Same issue. I then ordered and replaced the PCB. Same issue. I am out of ideas and getting frustrated. Yesterday I oiled all the bearings and greased the z drive screw. Same issue. I have tested the switches and instructed and they are all functioning.

Please help.

Power up and connect to the machine, go to Settings | Debug — test the Z-axis homing switch — does it signal as the Z-axis input?

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Yes. And it did before I replaced all the switches. So now I’m thinking I wasted money on switches and the PCB.

The Z-axis homing switch on a Z-Plus is triggered by a metal post — is that in position and secure?

Is the homing switch positioned so that it will be triggered by that post?

With the power off, move the Z-axis all the way to the top of travel, then power up and connect, then, go to Settings and check in Debug — is the Z-axis homing switch active? If it’s not, adjust things so that it will be.

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In the long run you may not have wasted your money. The SO3 is long in the tooth but @robgrz has stated in other posts that they will continue to support SO3 machines. However at some point it will no longer be profitable to support an SO3 and your spare parts may be invaluable if and when that happens.

Support still supports you even when out of warranty so always contact them before using the parts cannon.

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Thanks for the suggestion. After reading your post I took apart the z plate and found that that post you mentioned had worked itself loose and was dangling. After I put it back together I will let you know if that was it.

I always hang on to spare parts so that is a positive like you said. I will be upgrading to a large spindle CNC in 18 months and will not be running this one any longer. Thanks for helping!

The SO3 is still viable in the used market. I have sold machines on craigslist and a lot of people sell on Facebook Market Place. So even if you are through with it others may want it and you can get some of your money back. Hopefully the SO3 has paid for itself anyway.

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