Z-Axis Seems to Reprogram Itself

I seem to run into a too common occurance ruining projects.

Prior to starting any project I zero all axis points utilizing BitZero V2. I have even doubled checked that the all zero points are zero (0). When I run the program and install the first bit, my Shapeoko will move to the Bitsetter, run its calculations of the bit, then move to front center asking me to turn on the router. The machine then moves to the starting location and for some reason wants to drive the bit through to the bottom of the material to start. I have to immediately shut it down to keep from breaking the 1/16" bit.

When I recheck the axis zero points, I noticed that my Z-Axis has changed. Somewhere between setting all the axis points to zero and the beginning of the run the Z-Axis changes. I have reviewed my file ensuring that I have my setup with the Zero Height at the top of my material.

Any ideas why a gremlin keeps changing my Z-Axis point?

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Which machine/Z-axis do you have?

Is all the wiring in good condition and all connectors secure?

Is the machine mechanically sound, well-adjuted, and if applicable well-lubricated?

Which sort of probing are you using? See:



If you continue to have difficulties, post a .c2d file, step-by-step notes on how you are securing your stock and setting zero relative to it and managing all tool changes.

I am running the Pro XXL.

What is strange is that I ran test run using MDF to ensure that there was no issue. No problems. Moving to the actual work, this issue appears.

All my wiring is connected well with no loose wires.

I just do not understand how the Z-Axis point changes from zeroing it out to when it actually begins the work. Literally withing minutes and not touching the machine or program other than installing the bit and clicking on the Icon to begin.

Do you hear an awful noise on retract? Is that when steps are lost?

There was no difference in the noise. I stand at the “ready” to hit pause in the event this occurs. It is always in the very first step.

Let us know the specifics at support@carbide3d.com and we will do our best to assist.

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