Z Homing not working

I have an XXL and have done a few jobs already. This morning I initialized the machine and it worked fine. When I tried to jog to set up my work, the machine moved only a tiny distance and wouldn’t move any further. I noticed that some how the limits had changed to only 5mm X&Y. So I went to the settings and reset to the default settings. Now when I try to initialize the machine the Z axis goes down instead of up. Then it stops and gives me an error of not finding the switch.

Did you set the right Z-axis when you reset the settings?

Is a homing switch stuck on?

Contact us at support@carbide3d.com if that doesn’t address things.

I just clicked the tab that says reset to default. Not sure how to know if the switch is stuck on.
But the router doesn’t go up to the switch anyway.

Are any of the lights lit up for the homing switches or the BitSetter (if you have one)? If you have a BitZero is it lit up red or green?

Go to Settings? What shows there as an active input?

It says “No Active Pins”

No switches are lit up

Did I lose you Will? What’s next?

Did you send the correct Z-axis setting?

If that has been done, then please contact support@carbide3d.com and let them know the results of the other things you have checked out.

Will, I am new at this. I reset the default settings. Not sure how else to do this.

Please contact support@carbide3d.com where folks will walk you through this.

Someone said they will call me. Just waiting now. Thanks.

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