Z limit switch permanently on

Hi all,

I just finished building my shapeoko and realised that I am unable to initialise the cutter because the z-limit switch seems to be indefinitely switched-on (red light is lit).

Is there a way to fix this?

edit: it seems i might have a faulty z-limit switch - i can turn the switch off by moving the cable around… can someone help to confirm if this should be happening?


Hi Jeff,

Sounds like a faulty cable (or switch) with a short somewhere, you should contact support@carbide3d.com and they will address this promptly

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Hi Julien,

Thanks for the response. I managed to shim the Z-axis limit switch out by about 10mm, and that seems to have solved the limit switch issue.

Unfortunately, the Z-axis motor still stutters upon initialisation… bummer. I have ensured all


The shimming may have been counter-productive? the detection part of the sensor is the face pointing downwards, so now that it is shifted to the front, the top of the moving plate is not in front of it and probably does not allow to trigger the sensor, hence the stuttering (I guess the limit switch does not light up when the plate reaches the top ?)

In the previous situation, was the switch permanently active while the moving plate was far from it ?

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ahh… my bad, to save from the trouble of explaining, in the initial setup, the plate was too close to limit switch, leaving no room for the z-motor to move any higher, hence the stuttering and active triggering of the limit switch.

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Understood. So is it all good now ?

Seems to be, trying out my first cut. Managed to Initialize now.

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Cool beans. Let us know if there are any road bumps, happy to help, enjoy your first cut !

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Thanks so much for the help! first cut was choppy, but it worked out :smiley:

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