Z plus assembly help

Hey everyone!

So I’m putting my machine together for the first time and I notice that the instruction booklet doesn’t have the Zplus assembly instructions in it. Does anyone know of documentation or a video where is shows explicit instructions? Ive already done the preliminary google searches and I did find the eBook: Shapeoko CNC A to Z which is going t be very useful in the future. but doesn’t offer a guide for Z plus.

On the Carbide website under there FAQ nothing turns up in when I type in “Z Plus”.

Ive looked through there online assembly guide

I found this video from carbide giving a little introduction about it.

I’ve looked on reddit and found this post just giving the link to carbide 3d store with a link to the video above.

I’ve seen a few posts on here talking about specific questions but that’s about it.

I feel like this lack of assembly guides means I’ve missed something (because other people get them together just fine) but I’m a newbie so i guess I don’t know what I don’t know. Anyway this kinda halts everything untill I can find some instructions. Any help is appreciated. And thank you in advance!

Please send an e-mail in to support@carbide3d.com to get a PDF of the assembly guide e-mailed to you.

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