I’d love to get the z probe from Carbide but it’s been a few weeks since Copper was released and there’s no update on when it’s going to be available or whether it’s even actively being worked on.
Has anyone tried the Z probe offered over at Inventables? It goes for $30.
Are the new touch probe connections to the Carbide Motion controller made via the existing “probe” inputs? Conventionally touch plates have been a simple 2-wire connection, but I’m wondering how this active probe design sources power? I’m putting a wrap on my new dual CM controller project and would like to know.
Also, if you know the rationale for an active/amplified touch probe over the existing logic-level convention would you mind illuminating me with that information too please?
This model is a has a 3-pin connector. The connection will depend on the version of your GRBL board. On the 2.4 ver, there is a small 3-pin connector called “reserved,” and it simply plugs in there. If this connector is missing, there is a small pigtail that allows you to connect to the “Probe” (2-wire) connector + a 5V Pin (to add power). There is ALSO a ground alligator clip that is placed under one of the 6mm bolts on the GRBL cover.
Thanks @RichCournoyer
Is the non v2.4 pigtail chassis mountable?
I do recall the commentary about the active design being more “sensitive” and would like to learn more. I believe the touch probe input is a direct logic-level input pin to the mCU and I’m wondering what the active design improves over this convention (i.e. what is the inherent marginal connectivity/operational problem that the active design is trying to overcome?)
Thanks @RichCournoyer… the pigtail pic is exactly what I wanted to see (not chassis mountable per se). I understand on the TMI aspect too… it’s really a Jorge/Edward/Rob/Apollo Q, and as the saying goes, “inquiring minds want to know”