Here are the steps I used. Probably a bit verbose but hopefully without losing clarity.
Z Height lost when running second job with BitSetter
Machine Shapeoko XL
Carbide Motion 513
The two jobs used the same 1/4” downcut spiral bit so no bit changes were made.
Secure ¼” thick workpiece to spoilboard – using tape and CA glue
Open Carbide Motion
Power on Shapeoko
Connect to cutter
Initialize machine
Router moves to front - center and presents ‘Please insert a tool’
Install 1/4" end mill
Click resume
BitSetter measures bit and returns to front - center
From the Jog menu
Use Bitzero to set X, Y & Z values
Verify X, Y & Z from the Rapid Position menu selections
Load New File
Start Job
Router moves to front - center and asked for bit called from the G-Code file
Install the requested bit
Click resume
BitSetter measures bit and returns to front – center and presents ‘Turn on spindle’
Start router
Click resume
The job runs to completion
Remove workpiece from spoilboard
Secure 3/4” thick workpiece to spoilboard – using tape and CA glue
From the Jog menu
Use Bitzero to set X, Y & Z values
Verify X, Y & Z from the Rapid Position menu selections
Load New File
Start Job
Router moves to front - center and asked for bit called from the G-Code file
Install the requested bit
Click resume
BitSetter measures bit and returns to front – center and presents ‘Turn on spindle’
Start router
Click resume
** The job runs but uses the Z value from the first job as its starting depth **
All steps proceeded normally except for the last. At this point I paused the job, then used my e-stop to stop the entire process.