Zero wont change on CMotion

Been trying to get my machine to set Zero for about 15min now. Turn on home the machine, set my zero to start my project (bottom left corner) and when I hit run it goes straight to the back right corner and jams into it.

Noticed on CMotion that nothing on the XYZ Position is changing just sits at zero and when I goto zero, no matter where I move it its always zero.

When I hit set zero anywhere on the board and then hit goto Zero it goes back to the homing position

Ive gotta be missing something here.

If this is some sort of misunderstanding, then it should be cleared up by

If that’s not it, then drop us a line at describing at each step:

  • what you did
  • what you expected
  • what actually happened

and we’ll do our best to help you sort this out.

No matter where you jog the router, CM says the position is at 0,0,0? I would try the following. shutting down CM, and reload/rehome after each step and looking to see if there is any change:

  1. Power cycle both computer and Shapeoko
    Be sure to turn off Shapeoko before unplugging cables
  2. Unplug and replug both ends of the USB cable
  3. Uninstall/reinstall CM (maybe run c-cleaner before reinstalling?)
  4. Reflash GRBL (
  5. unplug and replug both ends of each servo cable
  6. Try connecting with a different laptop

If all of that fails, then you might have a board hardware issue

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I’ll try 3-5 as I’ve done the first two.

It was weird because at first I was getting numbers in the xyz as it moved. But yea it just sits at
The only thing that pops up is the speed it’s moving when I move it.

Did you reflash the board? If so, with what Grbl?

Are you using CM3 with Grbl 1.1? If so, switch to CM4.

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Yay! Flash and cm4 worked! Thanks for the links, and the help!



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