Carbide Motion Test/Beta

@1st_Kiwi_Nomad, I’ll present a counterpoint. For me, Mach3 is the gold standard of CAM interface. I’ve been using it for 10 years have my interface set up so I can read the X Y Z coordinates from 6 feet away, or through glasses + safetey glasses from a couple feet away. I have a clear display of spindle RPM, commanded and actual cutting speed, and I can adjust RPM and cutting speed on the fly to tweak the cut without interrupting the run as I monitor it. The X Y Z display is the most important as I edge-find and enter coordinates to set up the machining origin. Misreading a number in MeshCAM causes a little wasted computer time, misreading a number in Carbide Motion means at least ruining a workpiece, possibly damaging the machine.


Fair point Randy. I can understand all those benefits would be great. I guess we just have different needs. I can’t see how a clearer display could be a bad thing… I’m just very thankful for all the free updates I guess. I like a free lunch :slight_smile: But I hope they pick up and run with your request too. Since it’s something that would put a smile on your dial and you have certainly helped me - and many others - heaps.

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I’m not advocating at all that C3D add the real-time cut tweaking to CM, I just have the concern about the readability. I haven’t run a job with build 356 yet, but in the setting up of a job there haven’t been any changes that alter my workflow. And I’ll add “hear hear” to your thanks to the C3D crew for a masterful machine (hardware + software).


I’ve finally installed the new Carbide Motion today and everything worked went great. There is only one feature from the previous build that I’m not able to find. Does anyone know how to access the diagnostic window with the gcode line number and machining phase? I used to find it by clicking in the lower left-hand corner but it’s now missing.

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I have not used the new version precisely because of the removal of this feature.

That was an internal feature- we had no idea anyone found it and was using it. We can add something like that back into a future release.


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I would love that @robgrz because I there really seems to be no other way to accurately track (within 15 lines) where execution was at when something went bad.

Why not have the system write out a log file which would note which lines were successfully sent?

@robgrz Are you guys still committed to a Linux version of Carbide Motion? I would much rather have a Linux version than Windows or Mac since hardware is cheap and the OS is free. Assuming I could even run this from a Raspberry Pi? I don’t want to bother with it if it’s something that you guys aren’t serious about keeping up though.

Given the directions that Microsoft and Apple seem to be headed in, +1 for Linux support.

At some point I wouldn’t mind getting a touchscreen, something small like a Raspberry Pi, enclosing everything and mounting it next to the Nomad. It would be great to have an ‘all in one’ system at the machine for drip feeding it.

ChromeOS would be an option for OS support as well, but I’m not sure it would offer everything you need for communication. I’m setting up a ChromeBit as I type this for an automation project at my day job. They’re very interesting devices and you can’t beat $84.

I’d give a lot to have a comm / control program which:

  • ran on a Raspberry Pi (guess I’ll have to buy a 2 though)
  • worked on a small touch screen, but scaled up to larger ones dynamically
  • had support for exterior pendants/input devices, esp. a Contour Design Shuttle Express (which is what Tormach uses: )
  • also allowed remote access via a web interface

As of right now, we have the build system in place for Ubuntu 14, so we’ll keep trying to push that version of CM forward at the same pace as the WIndows and OS X versions. At some point, we’ll give Carbide Create a try too but we haven’t even started that yet.

@robgrz Okay, so what’s the trick to getting this installed on Ubuntu 14.04? Running ./ does nothing, even as sudo. I get:

Carbide Motion Installer
Base Directory /home/…/blah/blah

I added my user to the group. Nothing installs. What am I missing here?

FWIW: We’re up to RasPi 3 now. :relaxed:

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The installer just adds (hopefully) a link to the icon and launcher. If that didn’t work then you can run Carbide Motion directly from location that you unzipped it to. Note that it’s PC only, no support for Pi boards.

@robgrz No dice on either. Of note, I am running this on Ubuntu 14.04 but trying to do so on a PC with a quad core Atom processor. Any of your libraries x86 only?

From what I can tell, everything should be 64 bit, unless Qt is including some x86 libs on it’s own (it shouldn’t be)

@robgrz I’ve tried with 14.04 and the newly release 16.04 and get the same error when trying to run CarbideMotion:

QQmlApplicationEngine failed to load component
qrc:/qml/main.qml:8 module "Qt.labs.settings" is not installed

I have checked that qml-module-qt-labs-settings is installed and have even re-installed it using apt-get but it doesn’t help matters any. Any ideas? The qml package is of course installed, checked that as well but I think it would be a dependency of the above error anyway.

Was there every any progress on this issue with the Linux version? I’m having exactly the same issue as @dyelton, but according to my apt, all the qt pkgs are installed and up to date.

If I try running ./, I get a “bad substitution” msg.