I just received my Nomad 883 Pro. There’s a sheet of paper taped to it with some welcome steps and troubleshooting tips. Some of these texts refer to a “emergency stop”, and it makes it sound like there should be a knob somewhere on the machine that I can rotate. Am I blind? I don’t see it… There’s just one button on the front. Nothing on the power adapter.
Welcome @frank26080115 and congratulations on your new Nomad 883 Pro! The forum is here to help.
The E-Stop is a large red button which rotates as it is pushed in such that it locks in place and will not release until it is rotated in the opposite direction.
The E-Stop is pushed if something is going really badly… it forces the machine to stop all motion. It stays locked until one can clear the (near) emergency condition, then it may be counter rotated to allow the machine to move again. When it is twisted for release, it tends to pop out.
I’m awaiting the arrival of my Nomad 883 Pro but the Nomad 883 had the E-Stop on the right side (when facing the front of the enclosure) towards the back of the enclosure. You can see it in the attached picture.
Hi Frank-
So Sorry for the confusion -
There is just one button in the front.
It powers on the machine (lights up), and acts as the E-stop.
In the event that you need to shut down the machine in an emergency- hit the button (lights off)
Then just push the button again, lights on- machine on.
No big deal, if I want one, I’m more than capable of making a switch that cuts the power. I even have some spare 4 pin DIN connectors that the Nomad uses, just need to find a big fat red button.
It’s heavy as hell, I don’t actually think I can/should lift it onto my Ikea desk, so on the floor it shall stay for a while.
I did the wrench tutorial today, had a hiccup with probing tool length failing once, but just once, it worked after a retry. I ran into other problems that are more appropriate for privately communicating with Carbide3D.
My thought about the E-stop button was that it’s something that anybody could find instantly. But currently there’s nobody living with me who needs to know how to stop this machine.
But currently there’s nobody living with me who needs to know how to stop this machine.
All of the high end CNC machines I use have a power switch and an E-Stop. Many of them are wired in series so the E-Stop is just another power switch. If the front switch is a real power switch - not a newfangled soft power switch - it is an E-Stop… just not the one I dive for by instinct.
Anodize it red?
I have a steel frame desk to put it on. I’m expecting 60+ pounds. That sound about right? 20x20 on the bottom?
I’m going to seat it on a flexible, thick mat to seal the bottom and provide vibration isolation.
Thanks for posting the picture! It’s one of the first of a Nomad 883 Pro.
I would be mounting it on the side, somewhere high up easy to reach. The bottom probably has room, but it feels like it would defeat the purpose of a emergency switch to have it in a place where I have to kneel to reach.
The top of the machine isn’t exactly stiff, I wouldn’t sit on it, there’s a small gap between the top cover and the Y axis. The Y axis is rock solid, but the top cover is definitely a bit flexible.
I for one, really like the idea of putting back a formal E-Stop… mostly because my brain is trained to look for and use one from years of use. Go for it!
In your floor rest position the top make perfect sense. For me, I would probably like it on the front or top… have to have a Nomad on my table to see what makes sense for me.
For the price of the switch you’ve located, it’s certainly worth a prototype. Just need to measure and make sure it fits somewhere nicely.
@frank26080115, I like the E-stop switch you linked. I have been thinking about remoting my E-stop similarly. I would place the box front and center in front of the Nomad with the switch facing up, where I could slap it down like a game show buzzer.
The one time I needed to use the E-stop (spindle was drilling into the tool sensor shaft due to some bad hand-written gcode) it was awkward to reach around the side of the machine and push inwards. Not an instinctive move at all. Fortunately the spindle is not very powerful and it only put a divot in the tool sensor (which I hand-filed smooth after clamping a shaft collar on the shaft to act as a level guide).
If I were to keep the safety switch on the side of the machine, rather than a formal E-stop mushroom switch I would use a conventional toggle switch with a safety cover like https://www.sparkfun.com/products/9278 . A panicky downward swipe along the side of the Nomad enclosure would turn off the switch, and the cover needs to be raised to turn the switch back on. Basically an E-stop with a different form factor.
YES! Someone else likes missile launch covers! GO @Randy!
One cannot turn things on or off when the cover is down, can turn things on or off when the cover is up and if one slaps the cover, the thing turns off.
I was going to make the same suggestion. A few years back I designed and built a modulator (a controller) that digitally modulated a Tesla coil. No matter how careful one is, how well a barrier is set up and how much one warns, someone always wants to approach.
The primary is running 320 VDC@500A. The secondary is pumping out 500KV - 4 ft bolts. One arc and a person can be killed or go into cardiac arrest.
I needed a way to kill things without thinking and used the very cover (and toggle) that @Randy is pointing to.
A friend of mine who is building a CNC machine brought out a remote E-Stop.
@frank26080115, you can try to make things foolproof, but there will always be a more clever fool…
Thinking this through to the ultimate conclusion, there is no need for a E-Stop switch per se.
In large machinery, there is a main power switch which supplies power to the whole machine. The wiring is segmented so there is a control section that is energized the whole time the main power switch is on, and a motion-control section that is behind the E-stop switch. Hitting the E-stop unpowers the motors without unpowering the control circuitry.
In the Nomad there is no such division, so effectively the main power switch is the E-stop switch as long as it is a physical switch and not a “mother may I” soft switch (I think @mbellon already mentioned that) So it seems to me that on the Pro, replacing the soft switch on the front of the unit with the rocket toggle switch (together with any internal reconfiguration to bypass the soft swtich function) would effectively fulfil the E-stop functionality.