(Girard Ibanez)
October 4, 2021, 9:17pm
It’s been sometime since I last visited and posted or did any projects with my XXL. I’ve been learning Fusion 360 and 3D printing but now I am back.
I got a project to cut 1/8" thick aluminum plate into a shape.
I have the stock XXL with Mikita Router and Carbide 3D coated End Mills.
What all attachments should I get to cool the End Mill. I have a air compressor already.
Also, what speeds and Feeds you recommend. I will be drawing the shape on Fusion 360 but not sure how to do the Speed and Feed on Fusion 360 G-code.
Any guidance will be greatly appreciated.
(William Adams (Carbide 3D))
October 4, 2021, 9:23pm
I did well w/ much thicker aluminum plate (#6061 ) using a #274 and the feeds and speeds in Carbide Create and no cooling beyond running dust collection to vacuum up the chips.
(Girard Ibanez)
October 4, 2021, 9:25pm
Thanks Will. Can I trace an image on Carbide Create on the background and scale to size. Or trace and scale in Fusion 360 then export to .dxf.
November 3, 2021, 9:41pm
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