Back in the saddle with the new machine and before unboxing I am curious if there is a good 3D model of the Shapeoko 4 Pro in either L, XL, or XXL?
I will end up making a table for it out of 8020 and it pays to be exacting in the placement, mounting, and all that good stuff.
But forget the why, or the material choice in table. I am looking for the 3D model for a myriad of other reasons as well and I know this would be very valuable for everyone else using the tool too.
So before I reverse model the whole thing in Fusion 360 I figured I would check and see where we are at on this front.
I did some searching and found a good thread that was similar but did not have any fruit.
I haven’t seen a complete model anywhere. It’s there something specific you’re looking for? @CNCInspiration modeled the bed if I remember correctly.
Thanks for the breakdown @WillAdams that makes more sense.
@neilferreri I would ultimately like the entire machine but it doesn’t need to be every component perfectly. I would say for now the foot print and undercarriage are most important for making the table it will go on.
I think I will do my best approximation for the model and be sure to share what I come up with on this thread.