(assuming this is a spring-loaded diamond drag bit)
You could create a custom tool in CC library, but honestly for tracing lines on an acrylic piece with a diamond drag bit you don’t even have to bother, the geometry of the tool will not matter since only the very tip of the tool is used. Select any tool, generate contour toolpaths on your vector, with a shallow depth of cut (say 0.02"), and a feedrate of anywhere between 40 and 100ipm. The preview in CC won’t work, but it will be fine. You can adjust depth of cut to compress the DDB a little more or a little less, that’s up to experimentation.
See this post for example.
EDIT: oh and don’t turn on the router…sometimes habits make us do stupid things
EDIT2: come to think of it, selecting the existing 90° (#301) Vbit should be very close to reality if you limit depth of cut to barely scratching the surface, with no extra effort to create a custom tool…