90 degree joinery?

I have a shapeoko 5 pro and I want to do 90 degree joinery. Has anyone use their shapeoko for 90 degree joinery? Any examples or advices / set-ups on how to do it right. Thank you.

There are a number of options here.

One is to use the Gantry Shift option:

and then make a vertical fixture of some sort:

to cut traditional joints such as box joints:

or dovetails:

Or, there is an option where one mounts the boards on a fixture at a 15 degree angle and then cuts them using a 30 degree V endmill — see:


Or, work up some sort of joinery arrangement where the parts can be cut flat on the machine:

If you’ll provide an example what you want to make and dimensions and stock thickness we can look into this with you here.

Thank you for the prompt answer.

Gantry Shift isn’t in the software, it’s a physical thing. the place where the top X axis rail mounts onto the side brackets has multiple holes. use the forward holes for gantry shift. it allows the spindle to stick out forward the table but you do loose useable space on the rear of the table.

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