A city scape with stadium -- a sports team logo -- and some digital shenanigans with Carbide Create Pro

In Cutting clean text vectors on a 3d model in CC Pro, @atomicmarmot asked if one could cut normal carbide create (2D) toolpath on top of a 3D model. I pondered that it should be possible and @Julien posed the challange.

The result:

It starts with Blender + GIS plugin, to create an 3D model of the area of interest.
By following the great youtube video at Blender GIS - YouTube one gets an STL pretty quickly.

From STL to Grayscale depthmap for CC Pro is well known by now (STL2NC - javascript edition, tutorial at Cutting STL models with Carbide Create Pro (nearly-2021 edition))

Add a rounded edges, some text and one gets:

(and hey I can see my house on there… Detail came out quite nice even though it was finished with a 2mm flat endmill not a tiny ballnose for cutting time reasons)

But… so far it’s a city scape with stadium, no team logo yet. So on to wikipedia, grab the SVG, in Carbide Create load the SVG and make a 0.06" pocket. Easy peasy.

Except we want this pocket to be layered into the existing model… Julien: Challenge Accepted.

Load the basic gcode (
timbers-3d-layer1.nc (1.9 MB)
) into NCNC2NC - javascript edition, add the gcode for the 2D pocket with the second button (
timbers-3d-layer2.nc (521.1 KB)

) and … out comes a nicely modulated gcode that will cut the logo perfectly into the previously cut design.
This gcode is too large to upload but it looks like this in ncviewer:

some other up pictures:

and the C3D file:
timbers-3d-v2.c2d (1.1 MB)


btw @robgrz the gcode export of that c2d file shows an interesting C3D “behavior”; after the advanced vcarve CM will ask for bit #302 again for the champfer, even though that bit is already in the machine

somehow the “the bit has not changed” logic failed to work right

Aaaand he did his magic, once again. Fantastic job, I’m sure this will come in handy on multiple occasions :+1:

I suppose it could be iterated to modulate the result a second time with a third g-code file. Not sure it would be easy to find an example where blending three g-code files would make sense/look great, but I can think of:

  • starting from a 3D wavy surface
  • modulating a few large letters onto it
  • finally modulating a high-frequency (e.g. small ripples) texture onto the whole thing, to give it character.

Arjan - this is great. Now I need to find a project to run it on. Unfortunately my last project - wherein I complained about not being able to cut clean text paths - needed to be completed due to a deadline.

I used the CarbideCreate 3D finish process to cut a lot of text with a .03 endmill and predictably, it sucked.
