Can you accurately measure the depth of the main pocket? If the workpiece can move at all, you can get inconsistencies. How big is the stock? How were you holding it down?
I would suspect that the two bits were not zeroed at the same height, or if they have depth collars perhaps those are off somewhat. (I once forgot to reset zero after a bit change in an advanced v-carve. )
I would tend to agree the it looks like the zero-ing is off between the bit change - I’m using the PRO with the bitsetter feature - so it should be automatic.
Here’s two more pictures showing how the depths are off between the bits:
You might want to look at your Vee cutter with a magnifier. I have had the tip break off a vee bit and that would make the vee bit cut deeper because the tip was broken making the vee section cut deeper because the bitsetter was fooled by the broken tip.
That would make your Vee cuts wider, not deeper.
However, if your Z skipped a couple steps, maybe from a loose motor connection, it could cause it to cut deeper, or shallower.
If you haven’t removed the piece, I’d try re running the pocket toolpath, setting a little deeper to match the vee path.
Thanks for the suggestion @Steve.Mc - however this is happening on all jobs now - I’ve also removed the piece and started with the dremel tool to smooth as much as possible.
In situations like this you could try setting zero lower by the difference between the bottom of the deepest defect and the adjacent correctly cut plane, then re-run just the pocket path (no need to change the file, just re-send it and then quit when it finishes the pocket clearing).