Advanced V-Carve problem

It has a twisting rod that the z-axis moves on if that helps. I do not see any belts. But, I had a question regarding a post about rest machining for Adv-Vcarve (or really the ability to use multiple-bit sizes on adv-vcarve). I read your post and I was trying it out on this file but I keep ending up with this region between the bottom of the letters and the emblem near the top right leaf of the sign which I can not seem to cut out right. Could you take a look at the file I uploaded on this post and see if you can edit it with toolpaths to show how to use the inset adv v carve method you mentioned in a previous post (this post Rest machining with V-bits)? What’s odd about this cut I’m making is when I cut the acorn part, there is nothing wrong with it at all. It turned out great. It was just the letters that got messed up for some reason…