Earlier i had problems with yr motor. got it fixed and wanted to do Vcarve inlay. So i installed bitsetter, but it won´t work.
After a lot of troubleshooting and forum reading it looks like the main board always get a signal that the bit setter is pressed (both red light on bit setter and blue light on main board are lit all the time).
Gbrl shows active all the time, nothing happens when I push down bit setter button.
any advice?
PS I have shapeoko 4xxl, all the latest software, checked wiring
Did you check both at the controller side and extension connector ? (see this thread where someone had a similar problem)
I seem to remember that a couple of users had bitsetter permanently triggered because internally to the BitSetter, the nut that holds the plunger/button was not screwed quite enough, so it triggered the sensor even in the rest position.
Checked all wires, and the colors do not match up on the longest wire. Have not contacted support yet. Do you have a picture of the bolt that needed tightening?
I don’t want to mislead you by assuming that this is the problem, I’m not entirely sure if wire colors and order are 100% consistent between machines, so contact support@carbide3d.com to tell them about the problem
It’s inside the BitSetter, and I would not recommend disassembling it before you have been told so by support. It may be something you can explore once they have told you how to proceed, and once you are waiting for a replacement. Probably easier to just disable it / not use it waiting for support to come back to you
if you feed it the (single) file that is generated by CC when saving an advanced vcarve toolpath, it will split it into separate files for separate tools, and then you can run then sequentially (readjusting Z zero manually at each tool swap), i.e. “the way we did it before the bitsetter existed”.