Any way to purchase just replacement belts?

There is a maintenance doc. See this post:

The Mobil Vactra #2 is sometimes called Bridgeport oil. The Vactra is used on mechanical lathes to lubricate the moving surfaces. Your machine shop may have an equivalent but it would be best to use what is recommended. If you go to Autozone and you need coolant and they only have the universal the salesman will say it is ok. However if you have a Toyota it is best to use the Toyota coolant because the universal stuff may ruin your expensive engine and that salesman wont be there to pay for the repairs. It is best to use what the manufacturer says to use. You have to remove the Z-Plus/HDZ from the gantry to oil the bottom bearings. It is not hard but it likely takes about an hour to tear down, lubricate and clean and reinstall.

Linear_Rail_and_Guide_Maintenance_02-17-2021_v1.0.pdf (491.5 KB)

You might search to see if there is a more current version of this document.

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