December 16, 2024, 5:33am
I currently have 7/16" and 3/4" bowl bits, but would like something in between those two. Does anyone know of one out there? Preferably with a 1/4" shank.
If I have to go the metric route, I’d be looking for around a 15mm bowl bit with an 8mm shank.
Thanks in advance!
(Tex (Don't Mess With My Texas!))
December 16, 2024, 11:09am
I’ve never seen a ⅝" bit, but I have this “Jenny” that is spec’d at ½". It cuts smoother with a raster toolpath.
Cody makes good stuff.
December 17, 2024, 1:26am
Thanks Tex. I’ve seen a few 1/2 bits, but was looking for something with a large size increase.
What is a raster toolpath in CC?
(William Adams (Carbide 3D))
December 17, 2024, 2:09am
Raster toolpath was added in a recent v8 beta:
We just uploaded 807 to Carbide Create Beta Downloads
(Pro) Added Facing toolpath.
(Fix) Fixed crash for improper, manually-edited CSV tool database files.
(Fix) User reported crash in pocket code.
(New) Allow V/engraver cutters to be used for 3D toolpaths.
(New) Force higher calculation detail for 3D toolpaths with small cutters.
(Fix) Removed Library->Import from URL
(New) Add url handler to eventually be able to send a link with a license code.
The Facing toolpath has not been tested thoro…
as “Face”:
December 17, 2024, 4:23am
Thanks @WillAdams . What does this new tooling path give us? Is it faster, leaves less tooling marks, ???
January 16, 2025, 4:33am
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