I’m trying to figure out where/how to attach a mister to my (HD)Z rail. How do you guys do it ? A picture would be great (I searched the forum a bit, but in the pictures I found only the nozzle is visible, not the body itself)
I am thinking of making a brackety thing to attach the mister on a side of the HDZ, to reuse the existing threaded holes.
So after a few failed attempts (failing to take into account enough clearance to accomodate the arms of my suckit dust boot, that I do not want to have to remove when I switch to cutting metal), I rumaged through my box of spare parts and found this extra bracket that came with my HDZ limit switches, and it’s like it was waiting to be used to hold the mister. I attached it to one of the free threaded holes on the HDZ carriage, right above the router:
I just picked up a very similar mister off AliExpress ($6.50 shipped…) and I’m trying to work out the best option for mounting it to the stock z. I may just make up a bracket