I haven’t seen a talk specifically for requested features using the bit setter. I have seen in many post recommendation and work flow issues. So opening this up to get one started.
Here are my things.
Changing Bits, when changing bit, it brings the gantry all the way forward. This hangs the bit over the edge of the rail. I see a bit hitting the floor from that. I would rather have the bit change over the work space or a defined area of my choosing, prefer of my choosing. I use a spunge to catch the bit if I can’t hold onto it . Make this a defined area just like you defined where the bit setter is.
Bit changing in jobs, machine bring the bit setter to the front of the gantry when needed great. Issue, say I need to adjust the piece, like turn it over for a double sided job. I recommend taking the gantry to either the middle spot or the back middle. This enables you to see your job, then press another button to move the gantry to the bit change position of your choosing.
Initialize of the machine when turning on. When you initialize it immediately goes to the front middle for bit change. I say initially then ask the user if bit change is required. This allows user to make work peice adjustments. If all good user tell system to either make a bit change, bring it forward to make the change, or go directly to the bit setter. Leave the X/Z axis in the back until we request it.
I add a few of these from comments I have seen in post I have read and they make sense.