The board is listed here:
You should never need this, but if you do, it's a replacement Carbide Motion PCB for Shapeoko. It includes: Atmel 328 running GRBL 4 Stepper Drivers (X, Z, and double Y drives) USB Interface Comes in two options: Stand-Alone CM Board (The...
Price: USD 99.00
August 28, 2021, 2:07pm
The connector should be in the box. You can solder it on and save some money compared to buying a new board.
My bitrunner came with the connector it but i already had a newer board
1 Like
(William Adams (Carbide 3D))
August 28, 2021, 2:25pm
We no longer bundle the connector — if your CM board doesn’t have it, you need to replace the controller and enclosure.
1 Like
August 28, 2021, 3:04pm
Bummer. Is there at least a part name for the connector so it can be acquired from digikey and such.
(William Adams (Carbide 3D))
August 28, 2021, 3:30pm
I’ve seen many people and I myself trying to find the correct connectors for the Shapeoko 3.
So I’ve compiled a list to have them all in one place. If you find any errors let me know. Also any connectors I may have missed.
Please note that there are many part numbers for crimp terminals.
Whether Tin or gold, Reel or bag and maybe more.
If you can’t find the one listed where you buy your parts, find the crimp terminal series and look for others.
On the Molex website a bit under the part numb…
which point to:
Yeah the connections on the right are indeed pretty obvious (or at least documented), what was less obvious is that PWM is also available on the 6-pin ICSP header on left side of the board, and it made a big difference for me as I was able to plug a female dupont cable onto these pins and get that signal with no soldering required, i.e. without the need to unmount the controller board.
By the way, just to document what has been said above for future readers, the ISP header (on v2.4d and probabl…
may be a useful reference.
(Guy Donham)
August 28, 2021, 10:22pm
The trouble with soldering the connector on is the little lands are hard to solder. I have 40+ years of soldering experience and I had a hard time getting good solder joints. I have a pro Unger soldering iron with cleaning sponge. I know how to solder but still had trouble getting good connections. I bought a new board because my usb connector was flakey. The old board can be a spare for testing if necessary. Newer boards require you to remove big heat sink and have a hole in the case for the BitRunner cable and the new case wont work with big heat sink. Plus your new board will have a warranty.
Is the 2.4e being used in the Shapeoko 4?
If not, couldn’t Carbide 3D stump up a replacement for his existing one?
(Guy Donham)
August 28, 2021, 10:33pm
I believe the 4 uses a newer board.
1 Like
August 29, 2021, 10:48pm
In their defence, their probably really busy. It can take a day or two for them to respond to me, so maybe it’s the same for you - perhaps ‘support’ doesn’t have the authority to resolve anything ‘off the norm’?
September 28, 2021, 10:48pm
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