Anyone have button on bitsetter come off? Before I attempt to surgery any ideas on repair etc. Thanks for any input
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Can you share a pic? I’m not sure how that could happen.
Mine did as well, and with less than two months of use. It comes apart easily (screws). I used thread locker during reassembly.
Ok this what I have done. I cut a piece of double sided tape, attached to top of button, stuck flat head screw to tape then screwed back into hole, also added blue thread locker to threads prior to screwing back in. Working so far?
If you want to kind of shield your button from, oh say, a running router bit ( ), follow this previous post. Just for FYI.
Mine did this too - it just popped out one day. It’s not like I spin it round, I just don’t get how it came undone.
I just screwed it back down carefully, not sure how long this will last…
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