I’m using a Bitzero V2 with the latest carbide motion and it seems the cutting begins on a Y off the material closer to the front of the machine. I really noticed the issue last when I cut a circle which should have been in the center of my material but the Y is more to the negative side and cutting air off the material when it begins. It seems to be about 5mm south of center. I have a Shapeoko Pro XXL and am using vcarve pro primarily. I have noticed this in projects designed in both Carbide create and vcarve so it seems the error is probably with the CM or shapeoko configs. It is probably user error but I am not sure where to look for the miss configuration.
How are you setting zero?
Where is zero defined in the file?
Sorry for the confusion. I am using a bitzero v2 on top of the material using in the lower left corner. Topic title and first line have been updated to reflect bitzero instead of bitsetter. Thank you.
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