Cabinet Design Software

Hello, I hope someone can help… What, if any, free cabinet design software is compatible with carbide create? The ones I am looking at have ATP ( Automatic Tool Path). Can a software like that work with Carbide Create or Motion? I am new to CNC so I may not be asking the right question.

Thanks for your help.

The opensource stuff is free and usually can write out to file format which can be imported into Carbide Create, or cut using Carbide Motion.

What sort of cabinets do you want to make?

Using what sort of joinery?

How would you like to define them?

If you’ll provide an example design/dimension I’ll gladly work up something like to:

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Most of my panels would be square or rectangular out of 3/4 plywood. Most of the time i just need to…

Drill holes for line bore ( adj shelves)
Drill holes for different hardwares
Machine rabbit and dado joints where appropriate
Then… cut out the overall all Panel.

Nesting I would probably leave to a tool such as:


If you’ll provide an example design/set of parameters (maybe as a screen grab from the software you are using?) I’ll gladly see if I can work up a tool for making a cabinet.

Automatic tool change machines have all their tools in the ATC holder set to the same stickout. That is what makes an ATC work. Usually the ATC holder is set in a jig with the tool inserted and that sets the stickout the same on all tools in the ATC holders. For spindles and routers that is not really possible and that is why the BitSetter was made. You could make a jig to hold your tools at the same stickout but that could be problematic when tightening up the collets.

Some of the more advanced CNC machines have a similar mechanism like a BitSetter but most of the ATC cartridges the stickout is set to the same on all tools and they zero from that stickout.

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