It appears that Carbide Create 5 has fixed a lot of my previous issues, however there is one change I’m struggling with. When you create circles now, or adjust the size of the circle, you have to adjust the radius rather than the diameter. Is there a way to change this back to Diameter? When I’m needing holes I always think of them as 1/4" (diameter) holes etc…
I’ve been trying to get used to it, but I just ran into it again today when I needed a pretty accurate 5/16" hole. Now I know I’m going beyond the accuracy of what is expected out of the Shapeoko, but I’d like for my drawing to accurately have a 5/16" circle, instead of a .1562" circle. It should be .15625". If I was setting it by diameter it would be accurate at .3125". Just an example at how much harder it is to use radius for this setting. I’m guessing there is a reason they changed this??
If you select the circle, then choose the Resize tool, you’ll be able to set the dimension based on the diameter (but the circle will become a Curve object and you will no longer be able to adjust the radius).
I believe you’ll get finer possible dimensions if you use metric (and are careful not to switch back which might result in rounding errors).
Yes, That isn’t very handy as you also loose the ability to select the center of the circle for placement. I am aware of the metric benefit for smaller finer dimensions, but that generally isn’t something that affects my projects. I still prefer to stick with Imperial, if for no other reason, than I still use 1/8" and 1/4" endmills. Half of my layout of small parts in CC is spacing the parts and rounding inside and outside corners so that it works well with the endmill size. Is there a benefit from the change to Circle by radius that I’m missing?