Let me ask you a question WillAdams. I paid for Carbide Create Pro version and in this version I read that it comes with a lifetime perpetual license and one year of free updates. Is this kind of stuff what the one year free updates are for? If so, then would you be telling me that if I have to go on paying that yearly subscription of $150 for the updates, then are these updates, that would be getting paid for, just the very bug fixes we are talking about that Carbide Create created themselves in the programming errors? It’s kinda counter tuitive for anyone willing to buy Carbide Create Pro to only keep paying for updates that are in the programming to fix programming issues.
That would be like paying for the license of Windows that you only have to pay for once, then every update they send to fix issues, we would have to pay them for it. Kinda makes a person want to step away from Carbide Create, as a designing program, and go with some other design program.
Sorry if I sound a little salty here about things, but it is a pain in the butt to keep paying for things that are bug fixes. I wouldn’t have a problem continuing to pay for upgrades that give more options in the program for designing, or things like adding useful pictures to the library, or giving a bit more in the 3D working area of the program, but to pay for bug fixes, that is absurd. Paying $5350.00 for a machine and programming is a lot in itself, but to continue to pay for programming issues is another thing.
I have ran $150,000 CNC metal Mills and $80,000 CNC Lathes. I created my own programs in Gcode and Mcode for these machine to run. I have done programming for these machines for 13 years. This stuff isn’t new to me, but trying to work thru programming for this Shapeoko 5 Pro is a bit of a challenge, because not everything is easily found. And I would be pissed off if the CNC metal Mills and Lathes were crashing in there programming when production and time are very important. Besides, Haas has great customer service that will help work thru any issues that would arrive, for free.
Please don’t mind my rant. I’m salty because of my recent Carbide Create crash that erased my almost completed design that I worked on for 3 solid days straight.
There is a 2 week time-limited demo license which will allow one to get a feel for whether the program is worth licensing or no.
If, after the updating for a perpetual license runs out one wants a license update, $120 will get a further year of updates.
The work-around here would be to export the SVGs w/ the surrounding stock-size geometry and import that, or concatenate the G-code, or why not just have all this in one file, put each set of toolpaths in a separate Group, and disable all but the Group which one wishes to cut?
If you have further concerns about pricing, please contact Sales.
I know I’m jumping in here on part of your conversation with another community member, but I believe I have found the programming issue with Carbide Create Pro. It’s in the Vector editing area. When I go into my design and trim vectors, then nothing happens but what is supposed to happen. But the moment I go in and join vectors, I hear my computer ramp up processor usage and then the program crashes and disappears, taking with it any changes I have made in this design. So, build 757 has a major bug in the join vectors selection and the program crashes there. Now hopefully you can forward this information to the Carbide Create Pro team so they can fix this right away. I can’t continue with my design until this problem is fixed. Thank you.
I was able to confirm that it is deleting the Default layer which then causes Carbide Create to crash when importing a .c2d file — filing a bug report on that now.
I have not removed, deleted, or otherwise changed my default layer on the program. There might be an issue in that area but I’m not aware of it. My issue is in the vector editing area. I imported a picture file, trimmed it for what I want the program to import it as, then I added it to my setup. Then I go into edit nodes and move the nodes around to fix any issues the picture has with node overlapping, or bad import design. Then when I go into the area for trimming vectors so I can join a few lines together, once I’m in the join vectors tab and I join the vectors I just trimmed, the program crashes.
@WillAdams, you’re replying to Big smooth, but they haven’t posted any files. Those comments were just random rants in this thread. @Bigsmooth911 , I would suggest starting a new topic rather than hijacking this one to get the best chance of support for your issue.
Thanks DugSms. I didnt mean to come into this thread and hijack it at all. I did start my own thread and am working thru my issues with the program I am having. Thank you again.
I am totally new to personal CNC’s and everything that goes along with it. I have been watching the videos Kevin Barnette has done just trying to get a feel for the software. Interestingly, in this video, he works with the very thing you are describing; he is joining some lines in the design and does several of these edits that you describe as best as I can tell. Would you mind viewing a few minutes of him doing this procedure on the deer design he is working on and let me know if this what you are speaking of?
I bought my 4XXL lightly used and have it in my shop. I am getting ready to pull the trigger on the software your post gave me pause. I am not sure what version he is using compared to what you have but I would certainly like to know where things are at in terms of the similarity of your problem and whether or not I would be buying that problem with the purchase of the latest version of Create Pro.
Stumbleweed I was having issues with CC Pro and I have another thread that I talked about this issue I was having. Here is the link to that thread Carbide Create Pro Crash . Here we discussed the crashing issue I was having with CC Pro. You can also see the program I was designing to carve.
Welcome to the community and congrats to buying your machine. I have the Shapeoko 5 Pro and I purchased the CC Pro program. There are some limitations to the program and I also was looking into other designing programs. There are some good free design programs but you have to choose for what best fits for you. Come check out what we discussed over at that link.