I want to try Carbide Create 3d Pro so first I went through the help menu on Carbide Create 3d and asked to enable pro trial. Says I can’t save g-code. Hmmm, OK let’s try it anyway.
Start it up and fiddle about for a while. Mostly works.
Want to try carving something simple so go watch a few videos on youtube and return to https://carbide3d.com/carbidecreate/pro/ where I see about 1/2 way down the page I can get a 14 day license if I follow the link to https://launch.carbide3d.com/ and create an account. But for the life of me I can’t find a link on that page to create an account.
Well that was screwy. If I type the url for launch.carbide3d.com I was able to see the Register link at the upper right. But click through didn’t expose the link.
After nearly 40 years of using small and large computing systems I have come to the conclusion that I hate computers.
launch.carbide3d.com uses a different account system than the other Carbide 3D sites.
I’m afraid that the process of getting a license requires certain steps be performed in a certain order:
go to https://launch.carbide3d.com/ and create an account — note that you’ll need to use an e-mail provider which actually delivers our automated account and password e-mails — some don’t, or do so on a delay
log in to that account in your default web browser
request a license- check your list of licenses at https://launch.carbide3d.com/ — you should see a Subscription365 license
Doing things thus, in that order should enable the 1 yr. license. If not, let us know and we’ll dig deeper into it with you — contact us at support@carbide3d.com
Yes, that is what I eventually did however starting from within Carbide Create 3d (help menu) or from the download page doesn’t seem to get the sequence started in the right order.
I now have a license file and after warming up the coffee will install it.
A few months ago when Carbide3d started giving away the Pro license a lot of people had problems with the launch.carbide3d.com site. As Will Adams pointed it is a separate login not associated with the forum login.