Carbide Create Pro- What do you want to see?

I’m actually missing this ability as well
, :frowning_face:
was nice to be able to precisley position the rectangle.

This is literally the reason I never went down the GWizard path. No offline mode, and the author is completely uncaring about use cases that need it.

@WillAdams Fair call, I think that one comes down to personal choice. I was more targetting the ability to resize and move geometry as to me that is a core feature. I can work with whichever way it is implemented

@robgrz is circular/linear patterning something you’re considering? The option to flip/copy geometry about job axis is a useful one too

Exactly. Why would core features be hidden behind secondary clicks.

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Well one thing that CC does not do and maybe should is use the right button to select additional functions when you have an object selected.

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Contextual menus are very handy — I really miss the pop-up main menu from NeXTstep — in Altsys Virtuoso I used the command for “Punch” so frequently that it essentially became a gesture.

Note that we do use such menus for node editing:

  • Delete Node
  • Toggle Smooth

Email or text notification. “Your job will complete in 5 minutes”

One more thing (and maybe this has been mentioned) - when creating a circle, how about being able to put in the DIAMETER instead of RADIUS. I can’t count the number of times the old radius entry has screwed me with a giant circle lol.

I’d love to be able to copy a tool path. Lots of times I have multiple steps that want most the same settings with 1 or 2 tweaks and it would be great to be able to set things up once and just edit the diifferences.


Be able to select multiple operations in the toolpaths list, right click “edit”, and then be able to set up cutters/depth/feeds&speeds, etc. on all of them at once!


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Don’t make the subscription a web-based app. IMO you’d only shoot yourselves in the foot. Web-based apps such as fusion are incredible apps when installed locally. Running across web really sucks!

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It won’t ever be a web app. It will be optionally subscription-based (or pay more for a permanent license)

We can’t do anything that would encourage people to leave their machines unattended so that’s a non-started for us (The lawyers have spoken). We do have something cool in the near future that might be a different way to approach the problem (which is all I can say right now).

That was one of the things we wanted to enable with toolpath groups, which were added in 316. Not sure where it is on the priority list right now but that was the original plan.


I’m sure that this has already been requested. But a handy feature for those of us who have a fixed fence on our machines would be a save’able XY zero point.
I generally use my fence which allows me to quickly move from piece to piece only changing Z. but on occasion will choose to have a different XY. After I have to reset to the fence to use it again.


It would be nice if it was one or more buttons on the rapid screen that we could set ourselves.

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Probably not something for Carbide Create, but grbl has this ability in a couple of ways. There are several work coordinate systems available(G54-G59)… Think of them as coordinate planes in space, each with it’s own origin stored as an offset from the machine (G53) origin, or home. The default work system is G54, and I believe this is all Carbide Motion allows. Every other sender will allow you to use the others. I use G58’s origin as a set spot on my wasteboard. I can either modify my gcode to work in the G58 coordinate system, or I can switch to G58, go to my work zero, switch back to G54, and set zero. If you’re going to go that route, you could just set your G28 location at your “fence” zero. If you ever need to change your zero, the original offset is still stored in that G28. Just home, G28, set zero and go.
Again though, this would be on the controller UI side of things, not the CAD/CAM.

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I’ve spent the morning playing around with 413 stable, wanted to give some feedback :slight_smile:
Not being critical with any of it, just want to improve the software :+1:

A lot of my recommendations come from Vectric (I use Aspire) - I’m not implying you should imitate their software, but the simple/powerful features make it a joy to use.


  • When program is launched it should open into job setup
  • Mouse scroll wheel direction reverses from ‘design’ tab to when in 3d in ‘model’ tab. keep them the same and have an option to reverse it in settings


  • In setup I have toolpath 0 as centre. When I Create text, then under transform click move, when set X0, Y0 text moves to bottom left corner, not centre of job. Same with shapes. This should reflect where job centre is and call that 0,0
  • Vertical/horizontal flip. Should have option to copy (i.e. leave the geometry in its original position, and create a flipped copy, also option to flip about job centre line
  • Object rotation – should snap to 45° angle not grid (and press shift/ctrl to remove 45° snap and free rotate)
  • When editing in ‘node’ mode, should be able to add/delete Bezier handles and node points to lines – Also node+curve mode should be the same mode…


  • Can’t edit components once created - the option is there but having the same options as when creating would be ideal
  • When creating round component with text, component is not smooth, and where there are two lines crossed it goes to a higher level (see pics)
  • If geometry is moved once model is created the model will not update… should be able to go into ‘edit model’ then hit apply and it will recalculate.
  • Should come with some built in texures
  • 3d simulation is very rough/jagged, I’d be happy to give up some PC resources to get a better simulation.


  • Can’t set max stepdown on 3d finish – need this option or 3d roughing
  • When you click show simulation, while being calculated just get a blank window, sometimes ‘program not responding’ while calculating. Doesn’t crash program, but not tidy.

This is an example of my point about weird text output with the round form selected in ‘model’


A new flood coolant option for the Shapeoko (and/or Nomad)? :slight_smile:

When in doubt we’re looking at what Aspire does. They’ve been at it longer and whether or not we agree with all of the decisions they’ve made, it’s best to make it easy to move between the two programs.

That should be an easy fix. Good catch

Once a component is created those have to go away (like Aspire from what I can tell). Once we get the next release out you’ll be able to move and transform components like vectors so we’d have no way to rebuild a component without keeping the full history of every transformation, which would introduce a lot of other problems.

This is the expected behavior based on how the shapes are calculated and it also matches Aspire behavior (I would assume that we’re using similar approaches to calculate the shape).

This goes back to the inability to edit components once created and all of the problems inherent in that. Hopefully this will be more apparent in the next release or two.

On the TODO list. If you have a list of what you’d like to see, please let us know.

We keep increasing the number of triangles we’re sending to the GPU. We’ll keep bumping it up until get find the practical limit.

3D Roughing is the next toolpath to add.

Nope, this new accessory should be more broadly useful than that.

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praise be!

A thing they do that I love: simple math on the fly.
like, typing 1/4 and it automagically changing to .25
also, being able to type z= and get thickness.

the little things matter soooo much.

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It would be nice to add support for units and parentheses and to honor order of operations as well, so that things such as:


would work.

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I love that feature in Inkscape. It would be great to have it added to CCPro as well.