Here is the end of the file used in the video. In case you want to look at tool paths or some other curiosity.
Boolean Tools - Share File.c2d (1.4 MB)
I agree that the new boolean feature is great. I was getting tunnel carpel doing Ctrl Z until I got it right. Will Adams has tried to explain the feature but I never got the concept. So a preview of what you get is good.
Were you able to create a hot key to pull up Notes?
A big hot key update is planned in the near-ish future.
I am starting to work a bit more with layers in my design. One thing that might be nice, if it is feasible would be to have which layer an object is on listed when you click on the object.
When I click on a rectangle if gives the parameters. Adding another parameter with the layer so you know which layer you are working with (perhaps with a dropdown like the corner parameter, so its easy to move between layers)
I like that idea @Stankus (John)…I’d like to add that it would be great to see which layer is ACTIVE somewhere on the screen. So, if I were to say label my Layer, “Pockets”, then I would see that on the screen somewhere (Top / Bottom) maybe even in the layer color when in the Design Tab.
- Gary
Alternatively, a tooltip on hover - could show the type of object (sometimes you can’t tell until you activate the object) and its layer?
We just uploaded 727 to Carbide Create Beta Downloads
- (FIX) Save C2D error message update.
- (FIX) Block dragging and selection changes in the Boolean command.
- (FIX) In pocket settings, rest tool diameter didn’t accept expressions.
- (FIX) Appropriate Boolean commands are now enabled if the “Key Group” only contains open vectors.
- (NEW) Drag SVG/DXF/C2D files into the window to insert them into the current file. Drag images into the window to begin tracing.
- (NEW) Move/Rotate/Scale all end with ESC.
- (NEW) Hotkeys (subject to change in the near future)
P - Notes
O - Offset
M - Move
T - Scale
R - Rotate
O - Offset
G - Group
U - Ungroup
H - Horizontal Mirror
V - Vertical Mirror
CTRL M - Measure
F10 - Align
@robgrz I was using v726 today and at the end of carving I usually turn my machine off. 2 out of 3 times that I did that my new Windows 11 laptop crashed and rebooted. I will try v727 but not sure why turning off my Shapeoko would crash Windows 11. If it persists I will try just removing the usb cable first to see if that crashes the laptop. The Carbide Motion was 566.
Are there any suggestions for changing USB parameters to avoid this. This seems to be a CM problem but the files were created with v726 CC.
This is the first time I had used CM with my new laptop and I sent the configuration and set the BitSetter location. Everything worked except the crash upon turning off my Shapeoko 3.
CM and CC should not be able to trigger a crash of the whole laptop unless there’s a Windows problem. We use the built-in Windows USB driver so that should not be capable of crashing the machine either.
There could be a physical/electrical USB problem so you might look at unplugging the USB first, or seeing if moving the machine and PC to the same or different outlets might make a difference.
Hi Guy,Rob,I finally got my new MacBook Air M2 and last evening did a simple air cut to make sure all was OK and no issues,I was using the same versions as you are working with.
Thanks Rob
I will use the heck out of these
I just receive my Shapeoko 4 XXL. This is my second Shapeoko so I defintely do like the machine. The software, not so much, but for very simple tasks works OK. I did not see the changes coming to the new Carbide Create before purchasing the new machine. Adding new features and functionality is great but removing features is defintely not the path that most manufacturers take. I like many users do not have the design software installed on my shop computer. So to get a vanilla GCODE file I would have to 1. Send the file to my shop computer 2. Fire up the Shapeoko and Carbiode Motion even though I am not cutting anything at this time 3. Save the Gcode file 4. Send it back to my design computer 5. Make any need tweeks and preview the file 6. Send the Gcode file it back to the shop Computer. After purchasing the BitZero, BitRunner, and BitSetter to more fully automate the process, 5 extra steps to do the same task not to mention my trips to and from the shop and needlessly firing up the CNC seems rather stupid and counter productive. Looking at other design packages, I would never use the Carbide Create Pro. For the price it is just does not have the robustness of other packages. For simple tasks or projects from Cut Rocket the basic Carbide Create prior to version 7 works just fine. If I had known the direction that Shapeoko was taking with the Carbide Create, I definitely would have rethought by decision to get the Shapeoko version 4 XXL. When the time comes for another machine, which I am considering in the near future, it most likely will not be a Shapeoko. I agree with other users that there has to be another way to go with the Gcode file export option other than generating via Carbide Motion, sending to a Cloud site, or purchasing Carbide Create Pro. As a confirmed owner of a Shapeoko machine, I should be able to generate a Gcode file straight from the design software or at he bare minumum have aan app tha can extract a Gcode fiel from the C2D file. You must know who owners of your machines and should be able to confine use of the GCode functionality to those users…
@robgrz I cut some projects tonight. When I got through I unplugged usb cable from laptop before turning Shapeoko off. Did not crash my laptop. Have to wait and see. Anything is possible but is a new HP i7 with 16gb ram and latest Windows patches.
Rob, just a suggestion. I added on a mac under menu item Carbide Create - Services etc and added Cmd R to reset the simulation view. I find this helps me with my workflow.
Best, Jeremy
You can extract code from a c2d file…
We just uploaded 728 to Carbide Create Beta Downloads to speed up the saving times for larger files. For the really big test file we used, 728 seems to be 2-3x faster than before.
This should be a safe update, but please try using the “Save As” command to save your project to a new file and then reload the new file just to make sure we didn’t break anything.
Has anybody tried 728? We’re pretty sure it’s good but I’d like a little more feedback before we move it to the main download page.
I’ve used it, but not for large files. Seems to work fine opening an old v7 file and modifying it.