Carbide Create V7 Beta

I am a little fatigued downloading and installing but I just downloaded 728 and will install and try out.

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With 727, save as took 42 seconds. With 728, save as took 42 seconds , BUT the second save as with 728 only took 28 seconds, as did a resave. The file is a box cut from a 4 foot long board with multiple pockets, contours, and 15 toolpaths (some disabled). Unfortunately, I dont know if 727 would have gone quicker if I did a second save as. I actually had gotten used to the long saves and they no longer concerned me, just had to be patient and let it complete.

I just did another open of the original file with 728 and a new save as (different name) and it only took 5 seconds!!

And now 3 seconds!


I downloaded 728 and created a new project. This is not a really complicated project but the save only took a couple of seconds. My new laptop is an i7 with 16gb memory and SSD drive.

2x4_contest_plaque.c2d (648 KB)


I’ve used the “Save As” several times on my Mac, no problems at all.

Beta 728
MacBook Pro running macOS 12.5


Used it a bit today and had no issues. (YET) :innocent:


We just posted 729 to Carbide Create Beta Downloads

  • (FIX) Warning when loading SVG file with embedded text.
  • (NEW) Smart Weld boolean option. (Internal non-intersecting contours are ignored)
  • (NEW) Boolean Subtraction (B-A) option to flip the order of the selected elements.
  • (NEW) Create Rectangle now allows holding the CTRL keep to draw the rectangle from corner to corner.
  • (NEW) Keyholes can now be up to 6" long.

Nice!!! Backward, but welcomed :slight_smile:

IF you have three vectors selected and go into the Boolean menu, you have both B-A and A-B available — but that only allows you two of the three possible results. Did you mean to allow >2 items to allow boolean subtraction? If so, you need some way of cycling through the items to make each one the key item…

I like the CTRL-Drag for Rectangles…will you be doing the same for Circles soon? Polygons? Etc…

Yeah. We were afraid to change the default behavior but maybe it’s better to rip the band-aid off and make it match other programs.

We did mean to allow it. Cycling through selection would be too complicated so, if A-B and B-A for more than two vectors is a problem, we’d probably just limit the subtraction to only two elements.

Probably. (Almost certainly)


Don’t take anything away…

Of course, my idea of a “Change Key Vector” button would have handled it…but…just sayin’

Just here to leave a very big ’ thumbs up’! for the new software versions!

After I haven’t been able to tinker with carbide 3d for way to long I finally did an update today and have a very positive first impression. Keep it up that way :+1:


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