Carbide Create won't start on Windows 8.1

Hi guys,

I am new to the CNC world and recently purchased a Shapeoko 4 XXL. While I am waiting for the machine to arrive, I wanted to start learning how to use Carbide Create, but I found my first issue. Today I installed the latest version of CC but it did not start. I read all the related topics found in the community with no luck. Checking the Windows event viewer, I found that the application crashed because there is an error in the following file:


I uninstalled CC with Revo Uninstall and reinstalled but the problem did not solve. Any suggestion on how to solve this problem?

I am running a PC with Windows 8.1 x64.

I appreciate your support.


Please take a look at this thread. Carbide Motion will not open
I hope it helps.


While I’m quite fond of Windows 8.1, the brutal truth here is that it will be end-of-lifed next year:

Please update.

If Lester’s link doesn’t lead to a solution, consider upgrading Windows. You can get Windows 10 cheap

I did this with the wife’s old Win7 laptop, and it’s now my shop PC. Works great!

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Make sure you have the 32bit versions of any C++ libraries, ucrtbase.DLL is one of them. Carbide Create is a 32bit application and will fail if it tries to access any 64bit DLL’s.

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Hey guys, thanks to all for your answers, I tried to find a solution in Windows 8.1 but none work, so I decided to upgrade to Windows 10. I used Tod1d link to get the key :slightly_smiling_face:

Now CC is working, and it is time to learn


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