Carbide Motion on a Raspberry Pi


sudo apt update

sudo apt full-upgrade

What are most people running for a monitor with a raspberry pi? I have several of the raspberry pi official 7 inch displays, but they are only 800x480. Is anyone running these with much luck? I saw an older post in this thread where someone had one running, but some controls may have been off screen. Not sure if the image has changed enough to make them unusable. I’m on the fence of running r-pi or sourcing a windows tablet.

Seems like the overall price of each option would be the same cost if I had to go with the larger/higher resolution r-pi screen.

I’ve been using a RasPad v3 which is 10.1" and 1280 x 800.

Thanks for the help so far, but I’m still having trouble here. Web searches have not lead to the answer.

pi@raspberrypi:~/Downloads $ sudo apt update
Hit:1 Index of linux/raspbian/ buster InRelease
Hit:2 Index of /debian buster InRelease
Hit:3 Index of /raspbian buster InRelease
Reading package lists… Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information… Done
All packages are up to date.

pi@raspberrypi:~/Downloads $ sudo apt full-upgrade
Reading package lists… Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information… Done
Calculating upgrade… Done
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.

pi@raspberrypi:~/Downloads $ ls -l car*
-rw-r–r-- 1 pi pi 2591208 Apr 10 23:18 carbidemotion-536.deb

pi@raspberrypi:~/Downloads $ sudo apt install carbidemotion-536.deb
Reading package lists… Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information… Done
E: Unable to locate package carbidemotion-536.deb
E: Couldn’t find any package by glob ‘carbidemotion-536.deb’
E: Couldn’t find any package by regex ‘carbidemotion-536.deb’

pi@raspberrypi:~/Downloads $

Have you tried just double-clicking on the .deb file? That’s what I did.

Thank you. That worked. I’m used to linux being more command line driven; not mouse driven.
Though I’m obviously a noob!

I believe that the command line would have worked if you’d provided the full path to the carbidemotion-536.deb file.

Thanks. That makes sense.

Now CM can’t find my Shapeoko Pro XXL. Following steps in manual for first power on: Start CM, flip power switch on cord, press button on front of machine. Blue lights come on inside the control box and the front power button. Click “Connect to Cutter” in CM; get “Cutter not Found” errror. And yes, the USB cable is plugged in on both ends. :grinning:

I can see /dev/ttyAMA0 exists. Is that the correct one?? I also tried powering down the machine, closing CM then opening the Arduino IDE serial monitor (115200 baud); power on the machine and nothing happens. Sending “$$” grbl command does nothing.

I had to restart a couple of times — it might also be needful to enable serial access — I thought I put everything I did above.

Thank you. Fully working now. Or I will be when some missing bolts arrive.

Does the Carbide Motion on the Raspberry Pi check for updates or do I just need to check what the current version is once in awhile?

I haven’t used it enough to know if it does or not.


Apparently checking for updates is not happening in current versions, so you’ll need to follow along here or at so as to decide when to update.

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Thanks a lot for letting me know.


Was thrilled when I stumbled upon this. Even had considered reaching out to C3D to see if I could attempt to port to Raspbian.

Got this up and running headless on a PI4 (8GB yes overkill).

Jogging does not seem to behave consistently or, pretty much, at all. Can’t rapid, can’t repeatedly jog in steps, can’t fast. Anyone not running headless have this issue or is this likely a challenge with VNC?

Not being able to rapid position is really odd since it’s just a button-press/single command.

Jogging should just be a matter of button-down commands being passed on by VNC.

Ok. I try a fresh install via the image provided by @fenrus and see if things behave better.

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Fresh image worked. It behaved the same way at first. Had to open CM, configure things. Reinitialize machine. Then it worked…#usererror

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Possibly the World smallest Hi Res Display this is a 3.5 inch running on a Pi 400, 800 x 480 @ 60 FPS, no longer made. Getting the drivers to run was a little tricky on the Current Pi OS.

I did it to see if it was reasonable to run a 3.5 inch display. It isn’t in my opinion.


Really happy you guys have Pi builds available.

I ordered a Pi 4, official 7" display and a SmartiPi Touch Pro case for it.


I recently put my own CNC on a Raspberry Pi 4B (4GB), picked up a cheap logitech keyboard and mouse from best buy and a acer monitor from costco to run it on. Then i built a stand to house the CNC, wired a few plugs into it with switches to control the plugs and have the monitor, cnc, and RaspPi on one switch and the router on another. That way, when i go to turn everything on, its a single switch and everything boots up, as opposed to pushing 3 separate buttons and switches.
The biggest problem i ran into with going to a Raspberry Pi was the learning curve of using a Raspberry Pi because I’ve never used one before.