Carbide Motion on a Raspberry Pi

Tried the download but it does not work, it says not available on this server,

Did you try the link at:

I’m jumping on board here too…

My linux is pretty rusty, but if this is a deb file does that mean we install the operating system then install the deb package through from the Carbide3d page Will just linked?
Is this OS suitable?

Got some directions for a Rpi gumby?

Just received my Raspad:

Seems straight-forward enough to assemble (take care to open up the slot for the ribbon cable for the micro SD card to insert it)

To install the .deb file, just download it, then open it — Carbide Motion will get installed under Graphics (which I find a bit confusing — Accessories would be a better fit?)

Before you do that though, be sure to update using

sudo apt update
sudo apt full-upgrade

&c., see:

if any adjustments are necessary.

I’m thinking one of these in my revamped shop

I found references in the RPi stack exchange for a Planar Systems monitor, not this one. You Pi heads out there, any reason it wouldn’t work with a Pi4?


Should work fine. The 23.8" should make the UI elements large enough that they are easy to press.



Yeah, LightBurn is unusable, for me anyway, on a 10” touch.

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Thank you for linking this. while it is too big for my application it did lead me to be able to find one that was not!


This is really cool. I have a couple questions though. How do you get files from your PC to the raspberry pi and has anyone had any luck with touch screen?

There’s various methods depending on your level of tech savy.

Some options:

  • USB Flash Drives
  • Cloud Sync Services (Dropbox)
  • Shared folder on your network

I personally go with the latter option and have a hard drive hooked up to a spare PC running on my network creating a “Samba share”. My Windows PC mounts it as a network drive, and the Raspberry Pi mounts it at /home/pi/shared.

If you also use Windows, you could share the folder and then mount it on the Pi. Caveat is that it would only be accessible when your Windows PC is online.

Happy to help if you want to go that sorta path.

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so you said Dropbox. would something like google drive work and just have it synced to my laptop and raspberry pi

I don’t believe Google Drive has an official Linux client, so you’d probably have to look at something like:[0]. Not sure if their software works on ARM though.

You could also open Google drive in the browser on the Raspberry Pi and download the file that way, but it wouldn’t automatically “sync”.

edit: [0] looks like it does: (LINUX) Insync on Raspberry Pi | Insync Help Center but requires some setup.

I’ve been using a Raspad v3 touchscreen w/ my rPi 4 pretty successfully.

To send the file you have a couple of options:

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Did not know that was an option. I am going to have to try this out.

Does anyone have a video of using a touch screen. Would like to see how responsive it is and the work flow of uploading files.

If you install the image that was provided it has a share exposed that you can save your files too. That is what I am showing you in this video.

Here is the machine being set up.

Carbide Motion is very smooth, the responsiveness is good, but that is also due to the quality of the touchscreen.

This has been my setup for a good long while at this point, and it works like a champ. just do it. you won’t be sorry.


thanks for such a fast response. That seems to work really well. What touch screen are you using and what raspberry pi are you using? Also could you use that same share exposed with a fusion360 gcode?

My setup is an RPI 3b connected to this screen on an arm:
This is connected to an XXL and runs like a dream.

I would suggest starting this thread from the very beginning. There is a tone of info and setups.

If you use the image fenrus then you can save to the gcode share from any program to the pi.


thanks for your help. I guess it is a perfect day to buy some raspberry pi stuff since it is Pi day


The Pi image @fenrus made puts a Windows file share on your network called gcode. From my main desktop I mounted this share as a Network Drive. Now I just save the gcode files from Carbide Create directly into that share.


Just wanted to say thank you for whoever ported Motion to the Pi. I have a Pi 4 that I connected to my Nomad 883 in the garage. I have an old 1920x1080 monitor that I use along with a wireless keyboard/mouse. It’s so nice not having to have my laptop tethered to every run.