Carving a landscape photo


Can this be done with CC or CC Pro?

No. But there are numerous styles of faking this kind of greyscale image, and some pattern generators can export SVGs that you could then import into Create. As an example, you can google: Halftone Generator.

We do have a tool for this on Cutrocket:

What is the effective difference between saving a image as greyscale versus halftone ?

It would seem that halftone is less accurate. This is a newspaper print technique.

If you are using a b/w (monochrome) output option, then a greyscale image will need to be rendered as a halftone.

If you have multiple values per pixel, that is the definition of greyscale.

Ok, starting with a BW image I agree. You would need some “trick” to simulate grey.
I am used to color images.

where do i find the halftone generator?

here is my black & white…is this too much to convert? I did fine the generator but didn’t get an apparent output.

Halftone generators abound and are fast to use. My work space was used for the three example images… Colour, Monochrome and Halftone. I used Affinity Photo to create the halftone.

Step 1: open image and click on Black and White then select default image. Step 2: New live filter layer and select halftone then enter parameters in the dialogue box. There is no step 3.

Reducing contrast will result in compressed and reduced tonal values for that softer image look. I note that Lightburn laser software also provides a rapid halftone option. There are a multitude of halftone generators that are free and online and they will all be similar. q.v.

@drewschrader Check out Rastercarve for this type of engraving.


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