Like most everyone in the Shapeoko universe I am looking to move my control box outside an enclosure. I would love to find a plug and play extension cables to make this easier. I wonder why Carbide Create doesn’t offer this.
Has anyone found ready made molex cables to make this move easier than cutting and soldering?
Sorry, ready made cables don’t exist for all the connections you need. I just bought all the parts I needed from Digikey and made my own. It wasn’t hard, took me an afternoon. For the Shapeoko 3 you can use 3 pin PC fan extensions for all the homing sensors and tool probes.
I’m not sure how far you were trying to move it but I drilled a hole in my enclosure right where the cables came off the axis on my xxl and then used a piece of soft foam to plug the hole once the cables were run thru. I mounted it to the outside of my enclosure and had about 6-8 in of cable play to move it.
Demand fuels supply, if there is not a lot of requests then it’s not with the effort
After all this is a hobby and being a hobby people chop and change things
Looking at the control board and connections it looks pretty easy if you can source the female and male connectors
As you are extending the wires I would use shielded cables to try and prevent any EMI being inducted onto the control board or use ferrite rings for the same purpose
I see no reason to solder as most connectors don’t need that these days ( that said I always solder wires then insert into connectors)
If you not electrically inclined then I could see a need for extension cables
But the fun being a hobby is to work it out and build it yourself, just like a project
Part numbers would be handy but I will see if I can find the parts on my own. If I do I will post all the parts for future builders so they don’t have to chase it down.
I’m on my phone right now so it is a little hard to add the link but all the info is already on this forum for the Shapeoko 3. You will have to search for it.