I used Photoshop to create this quick start guide for my class. I wanted to lay out step by step visually for my students how to get set up and run the Nomad. I also will most likely accompany this guide with a step by step video series.
I am looking for any feedback / tips / errors. I had fun, doing the guide. Definitely helps you learn the things better. Remember I teach kids so this guide should be as painless and as easy as possible. I think that rule of thumb should also apply for adults! Download the file, its too large to upload here.
First problem…how do I paste pictures of the first problem…not on your work, but its availability…
Here is what Google says on the two pages that make up its reply…since I haven’t yet posted a picture…or two.
“Whoops, There was a problem previewing this document”
2) "Google Drive can’t scan this file for viruses.
Nomad 883 Pro Quick Start Guide.pdf (102M) exceeds the maximum size that Google can scan. Would you still like to download this file?"
of course I will download it anyway…and get back to you.
Optimize your pictures for web use before converting to a PDF, it will save a good bit of space, 8 pages should be less than several hundred kbytes, much less than 108mb…
No obnoxiously inescapable, aggravating, overly repeated, painfully redundant requirement of safety goggles and safety procedures…I have a 12 year old and a 10 year old, they know if I catch them in the garage with the light on with out eye protection there will be pain-lots of pain-and not necessarily the verbal kind inflicted by Dad-and they still forget…
Picky-just because kids…you show a "spoil board in your key, and call it a spoiler board in your text…I would never hear the end of that from my monsters everything would be a spoiler alert…
One more, use screen captures as full page background, and use arrows and numbered steps within the background…a full size actual picture is worth a thousand words…take full advantage of each one so you don’t have to type them out!
Rather than note a specific amount of stick out for an endmill, I’d suggest noting minimum insertion and the need to adhere to the manufacturer’s guidelines
spoiler board
x6 as noted by Yo man
Most time you will use the upper left
carbdide move
Carbide Motion
Style, throughout — G-code, initial caps for proper nouns (Carbide Create), OK (or whatever matches the dialog box in question), USB
Locate the file that created in Meshcam
that you created, MeshCAM
You will jog the z machine to 0,0,0 on your work stock
through — capitalize any reference to an axis.
This is the idle screen will look like this
either add which, or wordy, shorten to “This is the idle screen”
Zero positon
and follows the prompts
If you can make a smaller version, it’d be great to have it at the Shapeoko wiki where there’s a page on the Nomad: http://www.shapeoko.com/wiki/index.php/Nomad_883 — send me a PM with your e-mail address and I’ll make an account for you.
Hey nice job Louis! I saw something similar to this for a Roland MDX 40a back in the day, so great to see it for a Nomad too. Can I suggest you change the link in your origional post to the new link as well. I just downloaded the full 108Mb version only to see the newer one of 1.8Mb in your last post.
This is looking great. One note, on page 6, under “Preparing Your STL File,” you tell them to use the Feeds and Speeds chart to set their options. However, if you are using MeshCAM you can only change the RPMs by editing the actual tool description. You might want to make this clear, and show them how to do it.
Also, I respectfully disagree with using this line in your guide:
Insert the cuting tool inside the colet making sure to adhere to guidelines by the manufacturer on how to place the cuting tool and then tighten the colet.
Unless you are planning to actually have those guidelines available right next to the machine, it’s basically meaningless for students. Depending on their age, most of them will just ignore it, and the more conscientious will be stymied trying to work out which manufacturer, and what the guidelines are, and how to find them, etc. Better just tell them exactly what you want them to do, in my opinion.
If you do decide to keep it in, you should correct the spelling of “cutting” and “collet” which are both missing their double letters all throughout.